Vivid Experience - Milton Keynes 2024

26 Drinks VoucheR £6 1vouchercan beexchanged forabotleofbeer,cideroralcopop,glas ofhousewine,singlespirit & m ixer,m ocktailor2 softdrinksOR 2 voucherscan beexchanged forasinglegin & tonicfrom the gin bar,cocktailorglas ofhousecham pagneOR 3 voucherscan beexchanged foraglas of m oëtcham pagne. 27 Bottle Bucket £56 10 botlesofprem ium beersoralcopopsserved in an ice-cold bucketto yourtable 28 Soft Drinks Bucket £24 10 glas botled softdrinksand m ixersin an iced bucket,served to yourtable 29 Bottle of Spirits from £80 A 70clbotleofprem ium spiritsserved to yourtable(1botleper10 guests) 30 Silver Table PackagE £130 A has le-freeselection ofdrinksforyourtable!Thispackageincludes3 botlesofhousewine (red,w hite,rosé)10 chiled beers& cidersand a botle ofstil and sparkling w ater-on yourtable ready forw hen you take yourseats. 31 Gold Table PackagE £220 Theultim atestartto yourevening!Thispackageincludes2 ice-cold botlesof Cham pagne,3 botlesofsuperiorwine,(red orwhite)10 chiled beers& ciderand abotleofstiland sparkling w ateron yourtable ready forw hen you take yourseats. 32 Prosecco Package £93 Add som ef izzto yournight!3 botlesofprem ium Prosecco,chiled and w aiting foryou on your tables(s)asyou take yourseats. 33 Fairground Fun PackagE £10 Treatyourgueststo thefun ofthefairafterdinner.Savem oney bypre-buying vouchersfor thefairground atractions.Get3 tokensfor£10 to useon thedodgem sorfun casino. (On thenightprice£4 each) 34 Drinks Package 1* £53 Inclusive beers,house w ine,alcopopsand softdrinksalnight. 35 Drinks Package 2* £65 Inclusive single spirits,prosecco,beers,house w ine,alcopopsand softdrinksalnight. *Drinkspackages(W ristbands)can only be purchased ifboughtforeach and every guestin the party. Alguestsm ustbuythesam epackage.i.eParty groupscannotm ixDrinksPackage1and 2. Pricesare inclusive ofVAT. OFFERING GREAT VALUE - PRE ORDER ONLY Drinks Packages CHRISTMAS PARTY WORLD 2024