Vivid Experience - Milton Keynes 2024

‘Asyou m ingle outside the entrance,a sense ofexcitem entdescends.An elaborately them ed w orld aw aits,dripping w ith opulence and dazzling luxury.Exquisitely costum ed beautiesand bejew eled creatureson stiltsw arm ly w elcom e you inside ofering delectable canapes.Ice-cold cham pagne,crisp beersand shim m ering cocktailsare served from the m any beautifulbars. A feathered goddes hangsfrom above,surounded by striking chandeliers. Enchanting charactersm ix am ong guests,asyou take in the inspiring sightsand captivating sounds. Asyou takeyourseatto experiencef inedining,thelightsdim ,and ahushed silence evokesan airofanticipation.Suddenly the venue roarsto life asdancersglide around the stage w hilstaerialperform erssend heartbeatsracing w ith action-packed routines. A succulentdinnerisserved before entertainerstake to the stage foran aw e-inspiring f inale.Asthe m agicalatm osphere m ovesto the dance f loor,legendary party tunesf ilthe air. Thenightgatherspaceasthedodgem swhirlinto action,thefun casino opensits tablesand fairground stalscom e to life.The 360 cam era spinsinto action capturing m em oriesforgroupsoffriends.W hilstsom e guestsenjoy fresh cofee,chocolates and am idnightbreakfastrolundertw inkling lights,thedancef loorbeckonsforthose whosenightisstilyoung!’ A dazzling vista of spectacular chandeliers and opulent surroundings TheParty: Festive& Fabulous 9 MARSHALL ARENA,STADIUM MK